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        上海海硕士软件有限公司(www.seamaster-soft.com)注册在上海浦东张江软件园的一家专门从事航运企业信息化产品研发的民营高科企业,2004年经上海市信息化委员会认定为软件企业(认定证书号:沪R-2004-0056),享受上海市软件企业的优惠政策;2006年认定为上海市高新技术企业(认定证书号:0631040A1277),享受上海市财政补贴与国家创新基金资助;承担了国家“十一五”重大科技支撑项目《远洋船舶与货物监控系统》与国家科技创新基金项目《基于国际海事卫星技术的船岸一体化监控平台》的研发工作。本单位是国家标准《船舶维修保养体系GB/T 16558.1-7-2009》《船舶维修保养体系与检验导则GB/T 23438-2009》的起草单位之一,是这八个标准的维护宣讲责任单位。目前本公司的产品已在700多艘远洋与沿海船舶上使用。国内最大的班轮公司与最大散货运输公司都使用了本公司的产品,使用时间长的已超过十年。本公司除船舶管理信息系统(SMIS)产品外还有船员管理信息系统、航运管理信息系统、船舶风险评估与预算系统、船岸一体化监控系统、船舶能效管理(SEEMP、EEOI)节能减排与可持续发展管理信息系统等产品供用户选用。
        上海海硕士软件有限公司不但拥有高素质的软件开发人员与网络建设人员,还拥有熟悉船舶管理公司业务运作流程的专家,他们了解并掌握国际上主要航运企业的船舶管理模式与技术,他们了解我国船舶管理公司特征与国外企业间的差距,他们知道国内船舶管理公司工作重点与对船舶管理信息软件的需求,他们熟悉国际上与我国各种船舶管理法规与公约,他们与船舶管理人员有共同工程语言,便于相互间的交流与理解。更为重要的是上海海硕士软件有限公司的同仁有与我国航运企业一起为我国船舶管理现代化、信息化作贡献的决心。 公司主要客户:

About Our Company

    Shanghai marisoft is a department of Shanghai Maritime University that specializes in studying the informationlization of ship management and developing the information system. Our staffs are made up of many technologists experienced in ship and equipment management and masters and doctors of new generation. For years we have been engaging in fault diagnosis, new technology receiving and assimilation, ship management model demonstration, ship cost controlling, ship management information system developing, ship web site construction, ship-shore data communication and ship technical support. We also have several intellectual property rights. Our products were applied to many shipping lines, such as COSCO and China shipping. We have obtained great achievements in the integration of "industry university research" and are taking a leading position in the line of ship equipment fault diagnosis and application software development.
        We have not only programmers and network constructors, but also experts knowing business process of shipping lines well. They master the management model of the major shipping lines in the world and realize the gap between that of our country and that of foreign countries. And they know the needs of developing ship management information system. Moreover, together with shipping lines, marisoft has determined to contribute to the modernization of China's shipping management.
        Shanghai seamaster soft is a private high-tech corporate registered in Zhangjiang Software Park of Pudong and has been recognized by Shanghai Information committee (Certificate NO. :沪R-2004-0056). We enjoy the favorable policy that the government offers to us. We offer technical aids and after service for marisoft.

地址:上海浦东张江高科技园区软件园22301-131座  电话:(021) 58523197